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Join a team to be involved in making your student's years at AIT a memorable one.  Many of these teams have jobs that can be done from home on your schedule.  Each team will have direction from one of the board members!  Remember many hands make light work! 


Jaspreet Khera - President

Shari Erasmus - Vice President Membership

Kay Lee - Vice President Events

Anindita Ukil - Secretary

Henry Lee - Treasurer

Organize or just help out at cookie swap, luncheon, or back-to-school breakfast for teachers to show our appreciation.


Time Commitment: November, December, February, and May breakfast or lunch.  Can be at one or all of the events.


Work along with Event VP.


Organize or just help out at student spriti days, mostly at midterms and finals time to show how proud we are of them


Time Commitment: November, December, February, and May breakfast or lunch. Can be at one or all of the events.


Work along with Event VP.


Promote, sell, and distribute AIT spirit wear to students and families at after-school events.  (On-going)


Time Commitment: August (Freshman Orientation), fall sale, spring sale, and April (Incoming Class Welcome). Can with one or all of the sales.


Select candidates for PSSO senior scholarship awards by reviewing /evaluating student applications. (Non-Senior Parents, meet throughout the year).


Time Commitment: March-June, receiving, choosing and awarding applicants.


Coordinate breakfast donations from local businesses and parents for the teams in the AIT American Cancer Society Relay for Life.


Time Commitment: Event usually takes place in March, in coordination with other schools.


Plan fundraisers and coordinate events for our annual celebration for our seniors (with UC Tech and Magnet) at Graduation. 


Time Commitment: Senior parents working throughout the year to plan, fundraise and execute project graduation.

Back-to-school Picnic: Represent AIT at UCVTS picnic.  Oversee outdoor games and provide info about PSSO. 


Chaperones: Adult supervision/Chaperone for district-wide dances and events. (Throughout the year)


Freshman Welcome: Staff PSSO tables at welcome events (April and August) to greet entering students, sell school spirit wear. and answer questions.


Harvestfest:  Autumn county-wide festival.  PSSO helps to staff a table for AIT/UCVTS. 


National Honor Society Reception: Set up/Cleanup for NHS induction. 

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